Four Great Masters of the Ming Dynasty: Qiu Ying (in Chinese)

  • National Palace Museum, Taipei
  • 2014 Edition
  • Softcover, 368 Pages
  • ISBN 978-957-562-715-7
  • HK$450.00

Qiu Ying (1494-1553), style named Shifu and known by the sobriquet Shizhou, was a native of Taicang in Jiangsu who later moved to and took up residence in Suzhou. This catalogue, divided into themes "Qiu Ying's Paintings" and "Heritage and Influence," introduces the various styles and features found in Qiu Ying's paintings as well as the influence of these paintings on the painting circles in the Ming Dynasty. This catalogue will not only allow readers to gain a deeper understanding of Qiu Ying's unique paintings, but also provide them with an opportunity to enjoy and appreciate Qiu Ying's diverse painting styles and literary talents.