台北故宮博物院繪畫 / Taipei Palace Museum Painting

金 武元直: 赤壁圖
The Red Cliff by Wu Yuan-chih

武元直(12世紀),字善夫。金畫家,以山水見長。是卷取材蘇軾赤壁泛舟景,在名目繁多的赤壁圖中,首推最古最佳作品。拖尾趙秉文大字行書赤壁詞,元直與秉文同為金人, 書畫合璧是傳世稀少的金代精品。

Wu Yuan-chih (twelfth century), Shan-fu by style name, was from the Jurched's Chin dynasty. He was a gifted painter, talented in landscape paintings. Of the many paintings on the theme of the famous poetry "The Red Cliff" composed by Su Shi (Tung-p'o), this piece is surmised to be the oldest and most eminent. It is also a valuable work among the rare examples of the Jurched's Chin dynasty painting. The colophon in large semi-cursive script proceeding the painting is also a rare example of calligraphy from the same period by the renowned contemporary literati Chao Ping-wen.

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